Tuesday, 6 January 2015

uShare autostart – Ubuntu 11.04


Previously, I installed ushare easily on Ubuntu following a process similar to this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Media

I’ve recently become annoyed that ushare hasn’t been autostarting in Ubuntu 11.04. I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that I am using the same machine to host vpn so I have a bridged connection br0 as my main connection. The default script in /etc/init.d/ushare should be able to autostart, and I have tried adding it to rc.d using variation of this command “sudo update-rc.d ushare defaults 80″, however it fails to start. I have no trouble running it manually with the “/etc/init.d/ushare start” command however. So I’m guessing it is just trying to start before the network interfaces come up and failing. The workaround I found tries to solve this by explicitly running after the interface is up. The way to do it, is to add it to the “/etc/network/interfaces” file using something called “post-up”. Since I wanted to have ushare run after my br0 interface is brought up, I added it like at the bottom of the br0 section, see below:

iface br0 inet static   address   netmask   gateway   bridge_ports eth1   post-up /etc/init.d/ushare start

And, now on restart “ps ax | grep ushare” shows the process running. I am also able to connect on my xbox just as before:)

Sources: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-run-firewall-script-as-soon-as-eth0-interface-brings-up.html

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